
I’m an artist, working in graphite, colored pencil, paint and clay. I’m also an herbalist and nature-lover, which is why most of my art and photography is centered on wildlife be it plant or animal. I’m the Art Director of the online fiction magazine, Unlikely Story, purveyors of a fine selection of  unlikely journals, including The Journal of Unlikely Entomology and Unlikely Cryptography. At present, Unlikely Story is on an indefinite hiatus.

I resides in the western suburbs of Philadelphia with my husband (and love of my life), Bernie Mojzes and various critters who show up from time to time. 

If you would like to see my work, check out the galleries above. If you want to see if something is for sale, please feel free to contact me via the contact form.

Someday there may even be a shopping cart and prints on demand too!

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